Susan Roth, Selected Public Collections:

Agnes Ethrington Gallery, The David and Audrey Mirvish Teaching Collection, Queens University, Kingston, Ont.

Basil Museum of Art, Basil, Switzerland 

Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA 

Butler Art Institute, Youngstown, OH

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Toronto, Ont. 

Comino Foundation Collection, Valduz, Switzerland 

Corin International, Hong Kong, China

De Menil Family Trust, Paris, France 

Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta 

Everson Museum of Art, Syracuse, NY

Fogg Art Museum, Harvard, University, Cambridge, MA 

Fort Lauderdale Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, FL 

Glenbow Art Gallery, Calgary, Alberta

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

MFA / Hines Collection, Boston, MA

Museum of Contemporary Art, Montreal, Quebec

Portland Art Museum, The Clement Greenberg Collection, Portland, OR

York University, Toronto, Ontario